Rap Songs
Our songs transport you to another world- where we meet our characters in - the land of “GNOSIS”. They are fun filled and descriptive as our characters seek the answer to Mother Earth’s riddle…?
Get It! © Ted Hamilton
This is Mother Earth’s rap, which is an attitudinal address of what has transpired from creation to now; What the Deadlies - ala the human vices (bad habits) have done to pollute and devastate her landscape. It is delivered in a tough love, no nonsense manner and very hip. She’s the boss of the Earth and don’t you forget it!... She loudly proclaims to the assembly: “Change or suffer the consequences - DO YOU GET IT!?”
Earthless © Ted Hamilton
Bonezee’s rap is the first time that the Kids and Fang-u encounter one of the Deadlies…Bonezee is an apparition in the form of a skeleton. He has the black glove and matching hat; he points with a painted fingernail and mimics michael Jackson’s dance moves, as he delivers his Rap. He revels in the fact that he has caused all of the problems, using the humans, to pollute the Earth, and poison the seas - turning everything brown!
He informs them: ‘if you don’t want it… I’ll take it all back and leave you all … Earthless, Earthless, Earthless’!