Character Songs
Our songs transport you to another world- where we meet our characters in - the land of “GNOSIS”. They are fun filled and descriptive as our characters seek the answer to Mother Earth’s riddle…?
Enchanted Village © Ted Hamilton
This song is the theme for our animated version…
It encourages the idea that the world is a beautiful place where the animals love the humans! We have been given the gift of a beautiful home EARTH and that if we look after it, we can create a world that we can all live in – an “Enchanted Village.”
Masters of the Game © Ted Hamilton
Imagine you are in a fairy tale where you find yourself in a side-show-alley setting called: - “DEADLY-LAND.” This is where you meet the loony inhabitants, “The Deadlies.” These characters personify the human vices - known throughout time as the seven deadly sins (failings or bad habits of humans) - MEET THE DEADLIES!
DEADLY- LAND is a carnival-like arena, where the DEADLIES frolic in a display that identifies each Deadly and the trouble it causes to the planet, and the mischief it creates in humans.
This song displays to the world how much the humans enjoy their vices, and how excessive indulgence leads to the current problems confronting the world today: Disrespect for each other and our home Earth --- Pollution and Bullying!
Let's Have A Hoedown © Ted Hamilton
When people want to celebrate it is often in a dance format; this is one of the best forms, the HOEDOWN. It is a country western, toe - tapping, hand – clapping, fun - reel: A joyous display where each character calls a verse and all participate in a joyful coming together.
Respect © Ted Hamilton
This song originates in the court of public opinion, which is a device created by BONEZEE one of the Deadlies. He whispers to Threxx that if the humans and Fang-u can be found guilty -for their bad habits -…then it will take them off the radar of Mother Earth.
It is a Kangaroo court that Threxx presides over and Marcel Maggot represents the case for the Deadlies as the Prosecutor. The human’s defense attorney is, one of the Trashees, which was his father’s favourite Irish Whiskey bottle. He proclaims that he was in Jason’s trash that missed the recycling bin as Jason was supposed to do and, as a result, whiskey finished in the garbage dump of Gnosis instead of being recycled into something grand: like a double malt!.
Jason objects about a drunken whiskey bottle as their attorney, but reluctantly accepts when whiskey explains the idea of reincarnation or a second chance that they might also be in need of.
As the trial progresses several of the parties explain why they don’t get no respect…Fang-u starts it by proclaiming that serpents always get the blame because of the story of the GARDEN of EDEN - where the serpent gets the blame, and therefore no Respect - .The theme is picked up by several others and it finishes with an ensemble of the entire cast singing. RESPECT
River of Human Kindness © Ted Hamilton
Sometimes we forget that human nature can rise to extraordinary heights and acts of courage and kindness…Our name for it is, A river of Human kindness…In our story, it is Mother Earth’s reminder that the river is there for everyone. So jump right in and start to swim….you’ll enjoy it.
You're A Bully © Ted Hamilton
“It’s Good to be the King/You’re a Bully”
This song medley arose when Threxx tells Jason he has each of the bad habits that the Deadlies represent so he would like him to be their KING…Jason refuses, so Threxx launches into a full-on, bells and whistles romp, outlining in song, why: “ it’s good the KING”.
At its conclusion he places the crown on Jason’s head. Jason throws it to the ground and sings…..”You’re a Bully”, which becomes a statement and riposte duet.
During the duet slowly Jason seduces Threxx into believing that there is a better way to behavior than bullying…the duet concludes with Threxx and Jason kneeling in a vaudeville salute to the audience - of the other Deadlies - who are horrified that Threxx could be cajoled by Jason’s show-biz shenanigans.