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“Mother Earth Strikes Back” - The Musical
Earth is suffering under the bad behaviour of humans that’s causing climate change and It makes ‘Mother Earth ‘very angry. Urged on by Zeus and other angry Gods, she decides to give the humans one last chance.
Mother Earth chooses two humans, ‘Jason” and ‘Aphie, ’ and they are tasked with solving a riddle to save the Earth. It’s a huge challenge for the pair who have to find the answer to the riddle amongst the terrible ‘Trashies’ and the ‘ToXix' and change their minds and their bad behaviour.
The musical is rich and exciting and filled with singing, rapping and dancing with colourful costumed characters that take you on a fun filled ride to the end when the human race is taught a lesson and is saved.
KUBE’S MUSICAL: “MOTHER EARTH STRIKES BACK” has an exciting cast of characters and songs in an original story, with musical numbers and choreography that has an international appeal.
The themes are universal - RESPECT, LOVE and PEACE.
Jason Arrow Sings “We Will Change Your Mind” © Ted Hamilton
© “WE WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND” reflects the concerns of youth in the climate change debate.
Greta Thunberg brought attention to the fact that youth had no voice in the environmental decision - making that her generation will inherit.
World renowned environmentalist, Sir David Attenborough has endorsed her, as have many global organizations.
Our song professes the need of this generation, when the song proclaims:
© “What is it we want? Our voices to be heard.”
We heard them.