“Condensed libretto for Mother Earth Strikes Back”
© Ted Hamilton
“Condensed libretto for Mother Earth Strikes Back”
Our story centres on personal behaviour and how it affects everything and everyone. It is about honouring the values of respect for each other and our home Earth: Domestic and social violence (Bullying) and caring for our home Earth (polluting). These elements are the essential messages contained in our SONGS featured in our musical play: “Mother Earth Strikes Back.” The current malaise of social violence and the Covid19 global crisis, highlights the need for better personal conduct. Our musical play informs us as to how we do that, in a humorous and satirical manner. EDU-TAINMENT.
the principal players: Jason, Aphie, Fang-u, Mother Earth, TRASHEES and The TOXICS.
The basis of the story features two young teens who are neighbours, Jason and Aphrodite. When Aphrodite witnesses Jason’s appalling behaviour, of total disregard for conservation or respect for animal life, she invades his man-cave treehouse to remonstrate with him.
As they argue about his bad behaviour - that she witnessed: Firing a slingshot at birds in flight; smashing bottles placed upon her fence; throwing trash bags at the dumpster and spilling all of the contents on the ground; and leaving the garden hose running. Their argument gives rise to the first song that reflects on the feelings of the current generation: “Uneasy”.
At the conclusion of the song, Mother Earth sends a cry for help on Jason’s computer…He dismisses it as a virus and deletes her image. At this moment, they are sucked into the screen and taken on an inky voyage among the stars to the realm of Gnosis (The land of learning). During the journey we hear the song, “HOT SPOTS” performed by an ensemble dancing and vocal cast over a filmed backdrop, that displays urban jungles of graffiti, social violence, and a collage of images inimical to our planet’s health.
Once in Gnosis, they meet Fang-U, the spiritual, serpent guide to humans, and the Ambassador for Mother Earth. He grandly informs them that they were brought to Gnosis by Mother Earth to solve the riddle of: ”THE HIDDEN TOXIC” which is the worst Toxic that afflicts the planet.
Mother Earth enters and explains that the TOXICS personify the worst aspects of human behaviour; there are seven of them, and they represent the Seven Deadly Vices of humans (AKA TOXICS). However, there is a hidden one! “That is your quest - find the Hidden Toxic… The worst one of all” …Mother Earth disappears leaving Fang-u as their guide to the Den of the Toxics.
The kids are aghast and question Fang-u about how are they going to go up against “THE TOXICS…” We have nothing to fight them with…what can a couple of kids do?” Fang-u tells them that he and they will get it done because…. If we all work together…...Song: “WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE” … The song stresses the importance of the three R’S - as fundamental to humanity’s progress; the importance of working together and how each individual’s contribution affects the whole.
The journey discloses many characters including the TRASHEES (Jason’s unrecycled trash); The kids and Fang-u arrive in Toxic-land and watch from a hidden location, as the Toxics introduce themselves in a TOUR DE force rendition of: “Masters of the Game”. The kids are discovered and Jason is kidnapped, leaving Fang-u and Aphrodite alone among the stars. Aphie realises that they are caught in a mystery beyond her understanding. She cries to the stars for Mother Earth to help them and is greeted with silence… Aphie sings her lament: “MAKE BELIEVE A FAIRYTALE” …
They travel on and with the help of the “TRASHEES” they are led to THE DEN OF THE TOXICS. They are captured and endure many attempts by the Toxics to seduce them to revelling in the dark side of human nature….
Because Jason exhibits all of the worst human habits, they offer him to be their King. However, our fearless trio reject all offers from the Toxics, who then place them on trial, in the court of public opinion. They are convicted by the “Kangaroo - court” - set up by Threxx, their leader …Following the cast shenanigans, and individual justifications in the court, Jason undergoes an epiphany and realises that the hidden Toxic is the human – (HIM!)
Mother Earth intervenes and is delighted that he has solved the riddle. She has a quiet moment with Jason, expressing her sadness about the lack of respect for her that humans (her children) have increasingly displayed. The song is voiced as a Mother talking about her children: “Mother Earth’s Refrain”.
The fun continues in the taming of the TOXIC. At its conclusion, Mother Earth says, ‘when I return you to Earth, you have to build a bridge to others and find a way to change them. She sings, “BUILDING BRIDGES”.
Your task will be to make them aware that the human is the worst Toxic of all. That will not be easy. However, you can always ask “The Boss” for help; just ask.
She sends them back to Earth, During the journey we insert visuals and hear our theme: “WE WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND.” They land back in Jason’s tree house - where the adventure began - This is where Aphrodite expresses her emerging love for Jason in her raunchy rendition of her emerging womanhood and sensuality, directed at Jason. “It’s just a Girl Thing.”
Jason and Aphie decide to form an organisation called “KUBE” (Kids uniting for a better Earth) Using the internet. KUBE will involve - in daily performance, uploads to our website - and inform Kids from all over the world that they are the new wave and have to behave with more kindness and understanding towards each other and MOTHER EARTH…KUBE will engage all enlightened educators in supporting the project of youth, building and performing their stage play: - “Mother Earth Strikes Back” …. Following this life changing revelation they sing the closing song…. “THE DREAM” --This song conveys the idea that each of us has a dream to follow, but we can’t achieve it alone.